The New Stoic Morning Meditation for Resilience (2024)

Welcome, dear readers, to a transformative journey inspired by the wisdom of the Stoics. Today, we delve into the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca to help you embrace the present moment, reflect on past challenges, and prepare for future obstacles with a calm and rational mindset.

Listen to the meditation here:

📝 Here's a Readable Version of the Exercise

Before we dive into this meditation, it's crucial that you commit to this moment. If you're not prepared to bring your full attention to this process, please pause and return when you are ready. This meditation demands your undivided focus. Whether this is your first time or your thousandth, engage as if it's your very first experience.

If you're still reading, I'll take that as a yes.

Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius

The Roman Emperor and Philosopher King Marcus Aurelius said, "The present moment is the only thing of which anyone can be deprived, for this is the only thing he has and he cannot lose what he has not got."

You don't need to try to be in the moment because you already are. Listen to the sounds that come to you effortlessly. Notice how your consciousness reflects these sounds like a mirror.

Deep Breathing and Mindfulness

Take a deep breath in, hold it, and exhale. Let your mind reflect anything that arises without judgment or resistance. Accept each thought and emotion as they come.

Body Awareness

Shift your attention to your body. Feel the weight of your body pressing down, the sensation of your clothes against your skin, and the rhythm of your breath. Starting from the top of your head, slowly scan down to your toes, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. With each exhale, imagine releasing that tension.

Acceptance and Control

It's possible to practice acceptance in every moment. You're not always in control of your involuntary thoughts or moods, but you can choose to welcome them. This is the heart of Stoicism. Embrace your emotions rationally, letting them know they are welcome here.

Reflection on the Past

Now, let's reflect on the past. Think about yesterday. What difficulties or challenges did you have that seem smaller now? Why do you have different emotions now than you did yesterday if you're the same person?

Going a bit further, let's look back over the last year of your life. What difficulties or challenges did you encounter that seem now smaller today? Why did they bother you so much at the time, but not right now? What's changed? At the time, these problems might have seemed permanent or insurmountable.

Anticipating the Future

Turn your thoughts to the future. Imagine upcoming challenges and consider how you might cope with them. Just as the past is a memory, so too will the future become one. Contemplate the perspective that these future challenges will one day be mere memories.

Setting Daily Intentions

Focus on today. What is likely to upset you or trigger you? What could cause frustration or boredom? Think about the worst realistic scenarios and how you would handle them. Will you feel like a victim if they come true, or will you rise to the challenge?

Zoom out and see the challenges you might face today from a different perspective. How serious are your problems? There will surely be some that feel a lot heavier than they actually are.

Perspective and Duty

Remember, life is like a play, and we are actors. Our duty is to play our part well without complaining about the script. When we see ourselves as a victim in life, we are essentially asking the writer of the play to give us a new role, a new life, a new story arc. But this is ridiculous. You are an actor on the great stage.

You are not the creator of it. So instead, focus your attention on the following question: How can you play your part better than you currently are?

Wisdom of the Stoics

Seneca instructed us to live our days as if they may be our last. This doesn't mean we live today in a way that would resemble our last day on earth, where we prepare for the end. Today will almost certainly not be your last day. However, it could be. There is a chance, a definite chance, that today could be your last day on earth, even if things seem like they're going well.

If a huge number of people read this meditation, at least one person would die the same day. And that person may very well not see it coming. This is not morbid or pessimistic. This is a statistical reality. We remind ourselves of this fact so that we can see the preciousness of life more accurately.

Gratitude and Kindness

Life is sacred. This moment is all we have. It is the universe. It's your universe. Keep this thought in mind throughout the day to guide you on how you can spend your time more wisely. Everything you own or cherish can be taken away from you in a moment.

Everyone you love will be dead within a hundred years. What else is there to do other than be kind? Every challenge you have will one day be a memory. What else is there to do than create memories you can be proud of?


As we conclude this meditation, carry with you the wisdom of the Stoics. Let the awareness of life's fragility guide your actions and decisions today. Be kind, be present, and make the most of this precious moment.

Take one final deep breath in, hold it, and exhale slowly.

May you have a virtuous day.